How are Baptists different from other Christian denominations?

We all belong to the same church family, believing in God and Jesus. The differences are in the details of our beliefs, services and how we operate. Baptists teaching is biblically based and we believe that rather than infant baptism for example, baptism should be offered only to those old enough to have decided, of their own free will, to trust and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence we speak of 'believers' Baptism.

Also, we don’t have a hierarchy of bishops or cathedrals, like the early churches, each Baptist church is run independently.

I believe in God and lead a good life so why do I need to come to Church?

 We all think we’re good and don’t do bad things but, if we’re really honest with ourselves we fall short. The good news is that our salvation is not dependent on our good deeds it’s by grace. We learn more of that grace by spending time worshiping God and supporting one another through church.

If God is both loving and all-powerful, why doesn’t he stop all the suffering in the world?

People ask this question for different reasons. For some, it’s a serious intellectual problem; for others, it’s personal because they or someone they love is suffering, and they wonder why, if God really cares about them, he doesn’t intervene to end it.

So firstly, God didn’t create robots, he created humans with freewill - the ability to choose. Without freewill, we would be emotionless automatons, with no capacity to give or receive love. Indeed, words like love, hate, joy, sorrow, anger, forgiveness, self-sacrifice etc. would be meaningless. Sadly, we often make wrong choices which cause suffering for ourselves and others. Even natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and droughts, and genetic defects and nasty diseases like cancer are indirectly the result of a wrong human choice. Instead of trusting and obeying God, the first humans, Adam and Eve, chose to go their own way, which brought a curse on all creation. However, God did not leave us to suffer alone. He loves us so much that he sent his Son to earth, to share all the joys and sorrows of our human experience. When Jesus voluntarily gave his life on the cross, he took on himself the penalty for all our guilt and pain, so that we can be forgiven; know God as our loving Father, and receive healing, peace and eternal life. Jesus rose from the dead, and one day he will return to establish his kingdom of righteousness, justice and peace, where suffering will be a distant memory.

If you or someone you love is suffering, physically or emotionally, be assured that God loves you and cares deeply about your situation. If you have further questions or would like someone to pray for you, please get in touch.


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